Tuesday 22 March 2016

Harvey 'Two Face' Dent

Batman is always fun no matter how you use it, everything about the franchise gets people going and the graphic novels if you haven't got any, you better go grab some. The universe of batman is fun and exciting but also dark and sinister. A buddy of mine asked if I wanted to design a shirt for his band based on a drawing of harvey dent from the Arkham Asylum novel 'A serious house on serious earth'... I couldn't resist. 

The mark making is ace and the use of typography would get any designer riled up! I changed the type to reference the band and tried to make it my own without destroying the image too much. 

Original > sketch lines > completed draft.

I then took it to the shop and tightened up the lines.


The original design had the top part of the head cut off in the book, I wanted the piece to have a complete composition without it being half an image on a shirt so i filled out the hair with some manic curls and filled out the gradient to black as it went up. 

Check out the band, they absolutely rock! 

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